Every year it seems we start to celebrate Christmas earlier. As soon as October arrives, shops put up their decorations, fairy lights go on sale, and the question “where has the year gone?” is on everybody’s lips.
Every year it seems we start to celebrate Christmas earlier. As soon as October arrives, shops put up their decorations, fairy lights go on sale, and the question “where has the year gone?” is on everybody’s lips.
Auckland in winter can… let’s be honest… be as changeable as Auckland in summer – that is variable. Rain one minute, sun the next. For this reason it pays to factor in among other things the weather,when considering your next Auckland based party venue.
It’s a standard question thrown around almost every workplace, every year around this time, and that is – what are we doing for our Christmas Party? It then becomes a question for management to answer based around the second question – how do we best say thanks to all our valued staff? Ideally by offering them an event that is fun filled, different from last year and something sensational to remember.
Are you a little overwhelmed at the impending pressure you find yourself under with your best friends looming hen’s party? The one that you must organise, coordinate and basically ensure it turns into the best night out ever. So no pressure then… right?
What do you think of when you hear the words, the 80’s? For many people images of oversized ghettoblasters, fluro outfits, frizzy hair styles, leg warmers and popular 80’s movie icons instantly spring to mind.
This is a follow up post sent in by a client about the night the when they, the babyboomers, decided to go retro with boogie fever on party bus
We wanted something extra special to celebrate two family members turning 50 in the same month. The unanimous choice was the boogie nights experience with Party Bus.
Christmas parties themed events are the new trend to wind up the year. Party Bus now offers a permanent venue in Auckland that is very impressive!
Party outfit check, hair check, shoes check, weather…not check. We’re moving into winter after all so the fact that the weather isn’t playing fair is not surprising.
Surely not… it’s still six months away. Well yes it is… but when you are planning Christmas parties for staff, friends and colleagues you really do need to start getting your function booked to get the best deal and the best locations.
Phone: 0800 PARTY BUS or 0800 727 892
Office: +64 9 417 0030
Fax: +64 9 416 9992
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