Even the most diligent students deserve a break once in a while. Party Bus pub crawls let you have fun with your mates without draining the wallet.
Even the most diligent students deserve a break once in a while. Party Bus pub crawls let you have fun with your mates without draining the wallet.
When it comes to having fun with friends, there’s no season like summer. We are undeniably more social in the months where the days are long and the evenings are warm, but it’s easy to make a habit of doing the same things time and time again.
Tributes to Jonah are everywhere and there is one tribute in particular we at Party Bus are especially connected to.
While we all love to look after our Brides and Grooms on their big day, we can’t overlook the importance of the Hen and Stag parties.
It is a busy time running the Party Bus Company. Luckily I have a great team to support me and with everything that’s going on behind the scenes, I unfortunately no longer get out to conduct on our Party Buses as often as I would like. However last Saturday night, that all changed.
Party bus is a company built on family. It is a place where people are not so much employees but more, members of a wide (yep sometimes dysfunctional) family.
This is a question we are often asked and for the most part we say, sure you can… if you are all 18+ and you are on board a fully licensed bus. These are the requirements we have to abide by under New Zealand law and we take it very seriously, not only because of the law, but also because we have a responsibility to keep you, and our other passengers, safe.
This is the night that calls for the girls to have one of the biggest celebrations before the wedding day. So the more novel the surprise, the better and livelier the party is.
Phone: 0800 PARTY BUS or 0800 727 892
Office: +64 9 417 0030
Fax: +64 9 416 9992
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